Friday, December 30, 2011

Rock Mountain


亚里斯一次为了避雨躲进山洞,偶然发现了山洞里的秘密。 他因此萌生带领族人离开洛克山的念头。然而,族人害怕离开洛克山会遭到诅咒,所以支持亚里斯的人寥寥可数……

Thursday, December 22, 2011


祝大家冬至快乐!!! ^0^

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holiday Part 2

While staying in "Thistle" I woke up early in the morning for a walk in the beach. There was a fruit that was shaped like a durian but it was a "mini" durian.

I also picked up some sea shells and a rock that was shaped like a heart.

There was a cute croc in the hotel's gift shop that was on sale.

Holiday Part 1

On Monday I went to holiday with my family in Port Dickson. We stayed at "Thistle".

At the main lobby there was a large christmas tree. There were a lot of mask decorating the tree.0_0

To be continued....