Thursday, November 22, 2012


蓝色泡泡馆 Blue Bubble Resort

内容简介: 十四岁的志铭不知从什么时候开始,跟他爸爸的关系不再亲昵,还日渐恶劣。爸爸对志铭所做的每一件事都看不过眼,经常抨击他;志铭也渐渐学会了顶嘴,甚至选择保持沉默来反击。这次,因为志铭有两科成绩不及格的关系,爸爸大发雷霆,两人再次起了争执,还持续“冷战”了好几天。 眼看这两父子的关系不断恶化,妈妈开始觉得事态严重。为了缓和他们俩之间的紧绷氛围,妈妈决定策划一个合家同欢的海岛之旅。出发当天,妈妈和妹妹在登机前不知所终。正当爸爸很担心她们会错过这趟班机时,有个空姐拿着妈妈写的信,前来转告:她们……不去了?!一家四口的旅行突然变成“志铭和爸爸的二人世界之旅” ?志铭顿时感到晴天霹雳,当场瞠目结舌……


Time passes as fast as lightning.In another month time we will be saying "sayonara" to 2012. I am looking forward to next month's sabah trip. I will be going for a week,from Monday to Friday. I am very excited because this is the first time I am taking a aeroplane. This 2 month holiday I am spending all my time in Frasers Hill.The weather here is hot but cool, it is not as hot as KKB. On tuesday the books that I order from the internet finally came. I have been waiting for a week. When I checked the parcel location using the tracking code, the parcel went to Cemeron Highlands.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Rock Mountain


亚里斯一次为了避雨躲进山洞,偶然发现了山洞里的秘密。 他因此萌生带领族人离开洛克山的念头。然而,族人害怕离开洛克山会遭到诅咒,所以支持亚里斯的人寥寥可数……

Thursday, December 22, 2011


祝大家冬至快乐!!! ^0^

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holiday Part 2

While staying in "Thistle" I woke up early in the morning for a walk in the beach. There was a fruit that was shaped like a durian but it was a "mini" durian.

I also picked up some sea shells and a rock that was shaped like a heart.

There was a cute croc in the hotel's gift shop that was on sale.

Holiday Part 1

On Monday I went to holiday with my family in Port Dickson. We stayed at "Thistle".

At the main lobby there was a large christmas tree. There were a lot of mask decorating the tree.0_0

To be continued....